A Veteran Crypto Cat’s Quick Take On The Metaverse


In the land of defi there once existed a savage satirist of pure felinity who happened to be a pet cat at eGirl Capital. Although quite a private kitty, this creature happens to be followed by some impressive Twitter accounts (Immunefi, Medio Demarco, Yan LIberman, Uniswap Labs, The Graph, Robert Leshner, etc.), which leads me to believe that between hoarding $ETH and producing incredibly funny memes, CryptoCat knows what’s going on in the VC world of crypto.

So I set out to befriend this financial feline (note — milk did not work, but a DM acknowledging this cat’s magical powers of crypto insight and asking to bask in the info did), and after a slight back and forth we agreed upon a brief text-based Q&A instead of a full blown interview.

Photo by Danny Howe on Unsplash

Without further adieu, I hereby submit a super quick take from CryptoCat:

Q: Perhaps you could share your outlook on the future of the metaverse & crypto gaming?

A: I think the metaverse is coming, but I doubt it will be in VR headsets. I can see our phones taking us there in 2d. Though not sure exactly what form that will take. I mean we are talking right now in the metaverse aren’t we?

As for gaming once we have scaling the industry would hop on the crypto wagon asap imo

Q: What do you mean exactly by once we have scaling?

A: Scaling of blockspace bandwidth

Q: And how as investors would you recommend we best prepare ourselves for the incoming tidal wave?

A: Stay curious and try out shit before you have an opinion has a good track record

Q: What is the #1 piece of advice for people just learning about the metaverse?

A: It’s gonna be much stranger than people think. That is my current assumption

So there you have it — a super quick Q&A with CryptoCat



Ben Gothard | Founder, Crypto Gaming Institute

Founder of the Crypto Gaming Institute & host of the podcast. Passionate investor in crypto gaming & the metaverse. I live my life by the 7 core disciplines.